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I will never experience Resurrection Joy until I die to the fact that I can grasp it intellectually.
I cannot.
With my head, I’ll not comprehend it. Only in trusting is Resurrection Joy reality.
Joy was the topic for the one day women’s event “Refresh” at our church. After Lisa kicked off the day with a message on joy, the women chose three different workshops to attend on the topic. I had been asked how I experience joy and to lead one of the workshops.
I struggled. I’m embarrassed. Really should it be that hard??? Where do I find joy? What should my joy topic be?
I do experience joy in my friendship with God, in spending time with Him. But would that be scratching where the ladies are itching? Possibly, yes … but I was feeling insecure.***
A few weeks later, I sent an affirmation text to a friend I had recently visited. Her spiritual growth had been delightfully obvious. I wanted her to know I noticed.
She responded, “Thank you Sue!! I am definitely a VERY different person from a decade ago. (And I sure like it! :-))”
Her response was an affirmation to me. I too am finding great joy in who God created me to be. Okay, I admit, I’m in my 70’s. Why did it take me so long to rest in this joy?
Finding joy in God’s creation of me, of you. That would have been my joy topic. And I bet it would have scratched where many itch.
My friend’s response, and my acknowledgement is not pride, it’s humility. Being who we were did not result from years of self-effort or ladder climbing. It was acknowledging and trusting God’s resurrection power in our live. There is great joy in recognizing and living out who God created us to be. Allow trust to lead to joy. My heart is to spread this gospel joy.
“I have been crucified with Christ.
It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Galatians 2:20
“… you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
… my soul knows it very well.”
Psalm 139:13, 14
“Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord.
To write the same things to you is not trouble to me
and is safe for you.”
Philippians 3:1 (italics mine)
* The Pasqueflower is usually the first perennial of the season to bloom, often around Easter. The word pasque derives from the French, paschal which means Easter. It’s purple signifying dignity, grace, nobility, rebirth, renewal. This photo was snapped by my friend Linda Blanch.
*** This ended up being a moot question. Bill and I were out of town and I was not able to attend.
Copyright: Sue Tell, March 2024
The older I am the richer , more Blessed, I find myself. I’m content.
And that’s such a good place to be! I’m honored to call you my friend.
God patiently rescues us from the lies we once believed about ourselves so we can begin to see us how He sees us..
Yes! I find I need to review TRUTH regularly. Those lies are pretty ingrained.
You have always spoken truth and been an encourager to me. Thank you!!