The Residence of Joy

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“Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this,
that the spirits are subject to you,
but rejoice
that your names are written in heaven.”
Luke 10:20 (italics mine)

Jesus is speaking to the 72 disciples. They are filled with joy because of their doing. It was all good — the kingdom of God was advancing; people were being set free from demonic oppression.

But Jesus offers a correction. Their joy should not reside in what they do; their joy should reside in who they are, their identity.

I can be like those 72 finding joy in my doing. But sometimes my experiences often leave joy lacking, unsatisfied. That joy is misplaced.

When I find my joy lacking, it is a yellow flashing light.

Recently I found my joy lacking in what I perceived as a ministry opportunity. Why were the relationships taking so long? Do they want a relationship? Do they not realized the wisdom I have to offer? Do you hear the pride? UGH!

Lies are self-limiting beliefs reinforced by the filters through which I see life.
Lies tend to control and manipulate.

There are certain lies that entrap and manipulate me. My filter tends to be that my worth is determined by my doing. Not so! But, I’m susceptible. The same lies keep popping up in new situations. The new situations call for new applications of truth.

In my devotions, I often look at those lies and the truth that counteracts them. As I pray, God, what does it look like to trust truth in this situation, I hear the truths in new light.

In that recent situation, God reminded me of joy. Luke 10:20 came to mind and Jesus’ admonition became personal. Sue, where is your joy, in your doing or in your identity?

Jesus endured the cross for the joy of a relationship with me, with you. Hebrews 12:2
The angel’s message to Mary was described as good news of great joy. Luke 2:10
God rejoices in our identity like the metaphor of a bridegroom and a bride. Isaiah 62:5
John the Baptist knew his joy was like that of the one who stands with the groom. John 3:29

Over and over the message is clear, rejoice in my relationship with God, my identity as a beloved child — not in my doing!

“These feelings, strong as they may be, are not telling me the truth about myself.
The truth, even though I cannot feel it right now, is
that I am the chosen child of God, precious in God’s eyes,
called the beloved from all eternity, and held safe in an everlasting embrace.”
Henri J.M. Nouwen

Sometimes my emotions have a hard time lining up with truth. For myself, I KNOW I need to regularly bring those lies that are feeding the feelings into the light and apply the salve of truth! I (we) need to receive truth from God. I need to rejoice in my identity.

Copyright: Sue Tell, April 2023





2 thoughts on “The Residence of Joy

  1. Larry & Theresa Thaete says:

    Sue, once again…our identity in Christ!!! He’s our Rock of Truth! Like you, I often get caught up in my reactions and emotions. Thanks for your vulnerability !

    • says:

      Hi T,

      Good to hear from you.

      I guess we’re still human. Our flesh has not been transformed. More and more opportunities to trust!

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