Chapter 3. For chapter 1, click here; for chapter 2, click here.

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“The main work you have in front of you is working on your own feelings of anxiety. Bring that to Jesus …” Those were the words my wise counselor friend, Travis***, shared with me.
Yes, I was anxious about my new reality; yes, I was feeling very insecure; yes, I was wondering what questions are even okay to ask; how much should I initiate? I was in a bad place trying to navigate this new reality on my own.
Yes, I was praying. But no answers seemed to be forthcoming. Until, I opened up with Travis.
Both Bill and I have known Travis and his wife for several years. We have followed his journey and have always appreciated his wisdom and respected his friendship.

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I knew I needed his wisdom. I connected with him via email. His encouraging response was a game-changer for me. He affirmed the plan already set in motion. He offered great hope.
Jesus knows this story and is actively at work.
And here is the best news of all – you simply get to be who you already are.
“You get to keep doing what you are already good at.”
Travis’s words and his wisdom diffused my anxiety. God reminded me …
“Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD;
his going out is sure as the dawn;
he will come to us as the showers,
as the spring rains that water the earth.”
Hosea 6:3
So, what did it look like for me to press on in knowing the Lord in the midst of this circumstance?
My Top Six (in no particular order):
1. Don’t hide. I didn’t share with everyone. But I approached a few trusted friends and asked them to pray along with me.
2. My trusted friend group grew. I shared with a few more. It was good for extrovert me to be able to talk with someone about this. These trusted friends had not had the same experience. That was irrelevant to their willingness to walk with me.
One day I mentioned it in a letter to K who lives in Michigan. She wrote back and shared she had had a similar experience. I had no idea. It is history for her now, but in her story, God met me. I learned new things that is helping me with expectancy. Allow my expectations to morph to expectancy.
3. Timing is important. Travis mentioned some questions I might pose. So far I have not felt the freedom to follow through. But truly it’s a matter of timing, not insecurity.
4. Related to timing is let them lead. Currently I’m not initiating, I’m following.
5. God reminded me of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her pregnancy could have been a blight on her family, to her fiancee but she didn’t let fear immobilize her. She asked Gabriel questions. She immediately ran to Elizabeth who was also experiencing a miraculous pregnancy. She needed her understanding. I’m thinking Mary was also an extrovert. And even before Jesus was born, Mary was able to praise God for her reality.
6. Counsel with God’s Word, not just my experience. I needed to be reminded of the good news of the gospel in Romans 8. I can KNOW with CERTAINTY …
* When I don’t know how to pray, the Spirit intercedes for me. Verse 26.
* The Spirit’s interceding is always according to God’s will. Verse 27.
* We know that God is at work. Verse 28.
* God is at work in all things. Verse 28.
* God works for good in all things. Verse 28.
* God is working at conforming us to the image of his Son. Verse 29.
* Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love. Verses 36, 38, 39.
* We can live as conquerors because of God’s love! Verse 37.

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My prayers are growing in courage and hope. My anxiety is dissipating.
What helps you in your unwanted surprises? Could they be a gift?
Copyright: Sue Tell, April 2024
*** Travis Stewart, MA, LPC, NCC